Education and Training Programs

With the enthusiastic support of sponsors and volunteers, we have initiated several programs targeting at different learners to meet different needs.

1.  Nurturing Program for Innovation Entrepreneurs - A regular program offered monthly to the dedicated innovation entrepreneurs seeking improvement in their business plans, strategies, management, financing, and resources utilization.

2.  Innovation Management Program - An advanced-level program with a focus on innovation risk management and effective venture management for the established ventures and corporates globally.

3.  Youth Innovation Program - A specially designed program preparing young people in secondary schools, colleges or universities for their career or entrepreneurial development in the innovation industries.

4.  Silicon Valley Innovation Training Program - A Silicon-Valley-based short-term (normally 1/2 to 7 days) intensive customized training program for entrepreneurs or students.

In designing and developing programs, we put a heavy emphasis on the theoretical and empirical research into several key aspects. They include the issues and problems encountered in the contemporary formal education, the current available innovation-related programs offered by various educational or non-educational organizations, the relevant teaching methods and curricula, the future needs of the innovation economy and civilization, the specific needs of communities and learners, and so on.